jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2007


The Cid was born in Vivar, Spain in IX century. His father was Diego Lainez and his mother was Teresa Rodriguez. When his father died he was raised on Fernando I’s cort with the price Sancho.
He was declared knight in 1060, in Santiago ( Spain) church by prince Sancho.
With prince Sancho fougth in many battles.
In 1067 he received the campeador’s tittle.
At Golpejeras’s battle, 1072, Sancho’s brother Alfonso VI was captured and Sancho II took possession of Leon and Galicia.
Sancho was murdered by the noble zamoran Bellido Dolfos.
Alfonso VI continued on Castilian’s throne and Leon Throne.
The Cid married Jimena Diaz ( july, 1074) great-grandaugther of Alfonso V. With Jimena Diaz, the Cid had 2 dauthers and 1 son: Cristina, Maria and Diego.
At the end of 1080 or beginning of 1081 the Cid went into the exile.
The Cid died in Valencia between May and June, 1099, because of some fever.

Written by: Jorge Torres

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