jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2007


Name: Ludwig Van Beethoven.
Born: 16*, Dicember, 1770 in Born.
Dead: 26 march, 1827 in Viena.

Ludwig Van Beethoven was born in Bonn on 16* dicember, 1770.

He was a composer and when he was 16 years old he invented a "Cantata" whose name is "Cantata to the death of Jose ∏” and his teacher was haydn.

In 1792, Beethoven it returns to Viena, were he invented his first years concert went he whose only 8 years in 1787 he pastden to Viena and his mother died and Beethoven and it must return to Bonn and in 1792 he lived in Viena until he died.
Written by: Paulina Aedo

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