jueves, 27 de septiembre de 2007


She was the first woman ruled Egypt how a man, she was the powerest pharaoh.
She was the daughter of the Thutmose pharaoh and his wife Ahmose. His army were the powerest of the earth an his economy was the best. In this period the pharaohs had all the power. The pharaoh built temples of his gods and for they (the pharaohs).
Hatshepsut lived her childhood very united to the pharaoh’s court, she see the reign of his father, one of the most conquerors of Egypt.
She was two brothers but the died young, this put hatshepsut in the succession line, but a women hard could was a pharaoh, when Thutmose I died, Thutmose 2nd was the pharaoh (a son that had with a concubine women). Thutmose 2nd get married with Hatshepsut, she was his ½ sister. In the old Egypt the marry with brothers was normal.
When Thutmose 2nd died, Thutmose 3rd did succession . (he was the son of Thutmose 2nd’s wife, she was 12 years old), Hatshepsut had one daughter, her name was Neferure, hatshepsut was the regent of Thutmose 3rd. She was a good regent, she was a very smart pharaoh , The Egyptians knew that Amon had the power, she didn’t has military education, but in her moment were fights, in all the fights she won.
Thutmose 3rd continued to grow up and learned how was a good pharaoh of the country, he learned military education.
In a moment Hatshepsut was the pharaoh o f Egypt, she was a very good pharaoh, she reclaim the throne based in right blood, of his father and Amon. She called her a god and nobody protest, she built many temples.
Hatshepsut started was represented how a man, now Thutmose 3rd had the years for was the pharaoh of the country,, but Hatshepsut didn’t want lost the throne.
She disappears, and nobody knew that happened with her body or she, later Thutmose 3rd was the pharaoh, the temples, the paints, and every things of Hatshepsut were destroy.
Written by: Hi Schuen Wu

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